Home Research & Resources Benefits, Uses, And Limitations Of A Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Benefits, Uses, And Limitations Of A Portable Oxygen Concentrator

by pps-DUEditor

When you’re struggling with a lung disease or have a breathing disorder that needs you to use supplemental oxygen, there are a few things you can do to make it easier to cope with the issue. Oxygen has many benefits and you now have the option of a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) to breathe easier while you enjoy your freedom and independence.

A POC is a medical device that helps those with a low level of blood oxygen that can be plugged into an electrical outlet or powered by a battery. If the battery runs out, you’ll need to charge it by plugging it into an electrical outlet. Many POCs also come with an adapter so that you can use your device while driving.

POCs receive air, purify it and then distribute it. 

The Benefits

There are a quite a number of benefits to a portable oxygen concentrator, some of which are:

Ease Of Use

Many POCs can be quite confusing to operate, having an endless amount of wires, buttons and switches.

These can make it challenging to modify your oxygen therapy and will keep your device beeping back at you to let you know that you’re not doing it correctly. This is why it’s important to choose a device that’s user-friendly.

An easy-to-understand and clean control panel should allow you to monitor your liter flow and battery life easily, also making adjustments as simple as pressing one button on the touch screen control display. There also would be no worries about battery belts, internal batteries and connectors. Instead, there is a lightweight battery that is very accessible, that you can change in just a minute or two.

Portable Oxygen Concentrator Uses

People who need oxygen therapy have to choose portable oxygen concentrators because they help them continue to maintain their standard and quality of life.

If you’re struggling with severe COPD and usually have low oxygen levels in your blood, a POC could help you live a much healthier, longer life.

Among the standard treatments for chronic lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, supplemental oxygen at the most advanced stages is often prescribed near-universally.

While medicines like corticosteroids or other prescription medicines along with inhalers can be used, supplemental oxygen is a staple in lung disease treatment. This is because it gives continued respiratory support for those struggling with their oxygen intake on a daily basis.

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