Home Psoriasis How To Manage Psoriasis By Understanding Your Triggers

How To Manage Psoriasis By Understanding Your Triggers

by pps-DUEditor

If you suffer from frequent psoriasis flare-ups, you know how painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be. Your experience of this auto-immune condition is a result of your unique genetic makeup. This is why it is important to become familiar with your own body and what sets off a psoriasis attack for you. This will help you avoid triggers as much as possible and enable you to live a full and happy life with this condition.

A flare-up of psoriasis is often the result of a trigger that has stimulated your immune system. White blood cells called T-cells which are meant to fight off viral and bacterial infections start to attack healthy skin cells. This results in an overproduction of skin cells causing a buildup of scale-like tags on your skin. Everyone’s triggers are different so you need to pay attention to the things that are going on in your life when you suffer from an attack. With time, you will be able to read your body and manage your symptoms. Here are a few common triggers.


Try to eliminate any stressors in your life to avoid flare-ups. If you work in a high-stress industry, schedule time for practices such as yoga and meditation. You should also try to get enough sleep, exercise regularly and manage your mental health daily. Always make time for rest and relaxation. Keeping stress under control might help you keep your psoriasis under check.


The immune system usually kicks into gear when you have an infection. This might also result in a flare-up. Strep throat is an infection that usually impacts your psoriasis, so if you experience an unexplained attack, undergo an exam for strep throat and other infections.

Skin Injuries Or Sunburn

A minor nick, cut or scrape or too much time in the sun might trigger the formation of lesions or plaques.


If you are on beta-blockers, lithium, antimalarial drugs or anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, you may experience a flare-up. This can be managed by always keeping your doctors in the loop about your condition and maintaining a running list of medication that you are on at any given time. This will help your doctors prescribe alternate medication for other illnesses you may be suffering from.

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